Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Light a Fire

I really need to light a fire under my ass. I have been sitting on hundreds of dollars of shit for my car and haven't installed it yet. Rear traction, rear toe, rear upper control arms, front tension rods, motor mounts, need to adjust my suspension and put my bump stops in, roll my fenders, get an alignment. If I still feel a little loose I will do energy bushings all around. Going to order some boots so hopefully my heims last longer.

I hope I can make my suspension work. The Ground Control and Koni Yellow setup performs rediculously well. But the front being stuck with a decent amount of wheel gap and maxed out makes me mad everytime I look at it. Rears can go a rediculous amount lower, so why is the front so different?I supposedly can fix the front to make it go lower, but then comes the fact that I ride around all the time with my strut almost completely compressed. If I hit a bigger pothole or bump I could easily break it. We'll see what happens.

I was recently thinking about getting different rims, selling the suspension I have and going with stances. I have been told that I am crazy. Perhaps its true.Today I am going to buy a new jack since my other one broke. A better 'aluminum racing jack' whatever, as long as it fits under my car I dont care. A simple clamp for when I do brakes. After that perhaps I will have the motivation to take a look at my suspension. I also need to stop at home depot and pick up some hardware. I want to secure my shift boot (studs snapped a long time ago) to stop or at least lessen the amount of hot ass air that cooks my foot and leg when I drive. I need some for another little cosmetic installation as well.

Tomorrow I am going to help b00stin with his dad's truck. Perhaps we will have time to put in my motor mounts. Should be relatively simple. But thats what we say everytime and it never is. I may need to secure my shift boot there as well, since I will need someone either in my car or under it so I can bolt the bolts. Maybe we will tack weld them into place so I can do it alone from there on out.

Works sucks. More than usual and I am getting burned out quick.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

FUCK Blizzard

No seriously. Fuck them. After a year hiatus we come back, are given an opportunity to get an item that was a huge part of us quitting only to be denied. As Sir Baintuous put it "Welcome back guys- *slaps you in the face with penis* -here is a consolidation mushroom stamp"